Echo Trees 1 Still A

Echo Trees 1

Why we choose to interact and how, is something that changes with context, culture, and core [personal]. When and where you find the piece, what is happening around it and with it, and finally, who you are and how you are feeling that day, determine your interactions. It could be destructive or non existent, but so far, for most of my pieces [probably due to a mostly consistent culture and context], the interactions range from timid to defensive to hedonistic. The timid tend to turn to hedonistic if given time and witnessing others. The defensive tend to turn toward timid as wonder may set it eventually. But the hedonistic tuns to defensive if there becomes a sense of pressure.

Mimicry and Exploration

The ‘how’ of the interactions is determined in part by the ‘invitation’ to the piece — is it self-defining, does it initiate based on intelligence, are their instructions, or maybe clues? For Echo Trees, the interactions eventually turn intrinsic such as with Echo Trees 1 — mimicry! You find a pattern, you repeat a pattern, you gain a response that relates cause and effect.

But exploration is required to find the WHY. The Tree Spirits exist if you use the Augmented Reality [AR] view — locating the core targets in the trunk mushroom and the circuit seal. What will they tell you? Nothing you need to know to interact, but perhaps something _I_ need you to know — who’s the hedonist now?

There are to be a series of 3 Echo Trees. They all play with echos, but 2 will be auditory input based and 3 will be pulse/life based. Our environment echos our influence upon it [and the feedback loop created], with the role of human-made technology in this equation, always in flux.