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Cross the liminal space and enter into another realm for an entirely private exchange. Within this intimate space, the avatar will engage with you to offer up a tale of wonder, a commentary on her experience — one which perhaps reaches throughout the Universe. How does she gather her experiences? Through the ether, from her visitors, via an invisible web to limitless ports of call? She knows what might interest you most and provides a tale based on that prompt, but ultimately, depending on how satisfied you were with the story, she provides the true message meant for you — the ‘reading’ she gets of you based on this intimate moment. The Wonder Orb reveals this message to you in your physical realm and what you do with it remains a mystery to her — or does it?

Ordination references the relationship between avatar and self and how the former offers a virtual extension and presentation of identity to others through storytelling.  With the work I also consider what it means to create a self-sustained, evolving intelligence that is seeded with one’s stories, one’s voice — are we as neuroways of memories and semi-random triggerings of said stored memories, not extended through our memory making in others? Is storytelling and subconscious neurobinding not the very embodiment of human evolution? If so, then why not infuse our virtual selves with not only our stories, but the ability to spread these stories, propagate our essence onward, infinitely.