
Game Saints

Gamer Saints

The three Game Gods, the trifecta, represented in Her saintly forms for human perception, provide altars for supplication by worthy and desperate disciples. Perform the ritual, immerse yourself in their dedication chants, and receive Her divine blessing, oh desperate sinner.


In a multitude of religions, there is a large male aspect of clergy, spiritual advisors, ordained intermediaries, and even higher order entities. The majority of female or non-male designated roles though, differ. Traditionally, most positions in which humans could participate in organized religions were differentiated by power and hierarchy, such that non-male roles were subordinate, often reflecting a distinction of ‘destined’ abilities.

As a female-reading person in the game industry and gamer, I find interesting parallels between the role of women in religion and games. We see a cultural organization (the game industry as a whole) that has spread across the globe and which is predominantly dictated by males. Within the playing fields — the human, “non-clergy” realm — again males dominate the experience. Yes, there are nearly as many non-males playing games, but their voices are not important even as consumers and within the cultural context of the publications, marketing, and target audience for new production, this 48% of the organization is blithely ignored. When acknowledged, it is as an afterthought, a mention to the “gender equality of _casual_ gamers.” And yet, as in some religions, depictions of ‘beautiful’ feminine forms, praised as the heart and soul of our earthly saving grace, are idolized and worshiped. These idealized non-realities are much like the depictions of women that are indeed abundant in games and gaming culture, from female game characters to pop culture references to perfect gamer-girls.

And so I consider the fascinating power of the Virgin, of Saints, of Goddesses: the power they hold over men, the strange rationale that exists that allows men to pray to these female forms, beg for power, acquiesce and lie prone before them. I considered the irony of male gamers desperately worshiping and sacrificing to the Saints of Games, in order to get that next kill, complete that next level, strategize that next move, all the while attributing so little value to the human females in their lives. Is there some way to leverage that power though? My Gamer Saints will never accept the praise of a unrighteous male, no such prayers or pleas will be answered. Only a true disciple will be rewarded, and all uncaring persons’ sad attempts to plead for glory will be entirely ignored — in fact some will even find themselves now forever doomed to failure in their virtual realms.