
AR X-Ray Vision Collector

AR game where you/other players label walls and objects etc with fiducial markers to indicate type of material it is and then there is an item inside that material which you can see with x-ray vision only.

  • The AR viewing player is able to see INTO labeled items if they have that power.
  • At the start maybe you can only see into two materials. Then you can move on to see into more materials.
  • At the start maybe you can only get an outline or color. Then you move on to being able to see the complete item.
  • Each label represents a category of things — the person marking areas cannot specify an object, but rather can specify which category. The game itself determines the actual object of that particular category that is inside the material.
  • Need to geotag or put a count/uniqueID into the fiducial markers so that player cannot ‘reuse’ them during a single run.

To Do:

  1. what’s the objective?
  2. puzzle element?
  3. could you make the game ‘recognize’ ‘materials’ on its own without the use of other players placing fiducial markers?