
Governor’s Race Poll Game

Race for the Ballot was a MassImpact project requested by Tim Loew to promote an interest in local politics through gaming. Two students and myself designed a web based casual game filled with puns to encourage education about the candidates and create an informal poll prior to voting day by recording scores only for the candidate played, rather than that of a player.

The game uses ‘chibi’ inspired representations of the candidates in a footrace which includes jumping over red tape, barrels, and hogs. While the game is casual and requires only a bit of reaction time, it encourages replay and competition — in this case for your favored candidate rather than yourself. The game provides links to each candidate’s official page and allows for sharing on social media.

My role as lead included programming the Flash and php server side requirements in order to retain the multiple, concurrent hits on the game as it ran live online. Worked with Adam DeZago [designer, artist, programmer] and Shaun Dutton [programmer].