Visual Place Bookmarker

I think they are trying to do this with Pinterest now — I’ve been trying out the map section.

Anyway, I’ve been to a million locations, say to an antique store, and I’ve wanted to remember it, but just adding a pin to a map would not be enough.

I have started taking photos of the place and items in it, and geotagging them and using the Foursquare location suggestion on Instagram, but then going back and finding them can be challenging.

If the app was MADE for this feature rather than photo sharing, more like a PLACE/SPACE bookmarker, this would be better.

I want to take a quick photo [maybe not of the front of the store, maybe just of a favorite item]. I want to be able to mark it on a map, have the date, and hopefully get the store name from Foursquare thing. And I can add my own tag [instagram] or put it in my own section [pinterest] so that I can mark it as ‘antiques’.

I’d like to be able to add photos to that ‘set’ later by searching by name, location, tag, etc so that if I went home with some purchases, I could add photos of them later, off-site. Also if I come back, months later, I still want to add to that group, but would be great if it auto-recognized it was a previously visited/tagged/photo’d place.