Grade School Multi-touch Table Storybook

This idea is for a grade school classroom.

A ‘story’ is being told on the table in the classroom, but elements of the story are filled in by the students.

They can add and control their own elements of the story — so if they are in charge of the duck, one may have a duck fiducial and place it on or off the table when needed, and in various locations as the ‘pages’ of the story change on the table. The duck may need to be in a line, on the grass with the other animals, or may need to be in the pond by itself.

Each child could have an element for the story and then a different child could take that element when it was time to take it off the table — everyone would have a chance to control the item.

Nothing would have to be exact. If the students wanted the cat to be the one searching for flowers, they could agree to place the cat and flower fiducials on the table — like Mad Libs in a way.

Hopefully every child is participating and able to focus. It is hands on, but at the same time encourages that they understand the story and associate the words with the images [easier to see than a teacher holding up a book].