


The touch-required Holobowl consists of an electronic singing bowl which wirelessly activates a holographic animation to be played within a multi-material helmet worn at a distance. The interaction requires two or more people to reveal the entirety of the experience, as one cannot stand close enough to the helmet to clearly see the visual without nullifying the signal. The bowl itself is played by touching the soft potentiometer strip wrapped around the upper lip, with the remainder covered in dimples suggestive of braille.

As with traditional singing bowls, the ability to enter a cognitive zone that allows for a flow state between mind and body is required in order to coax the droning sound from the bowl. Only when the participant is able to maintain a steady rhythmic pressure will the holographic series play (assuming the distance is great enough).


Are their invisible mysteries which one cannot experience alone? What is trust? Is trust the realization that we are in fact ‘one’, entangled but experiencing decoherence? The requirement to partner in order to experience alternate elements of this experience, to solve the puzzle if you will, proved to be challenging for most participants who already fearful of the ‘technology’, found it far too uncomfortable to also be on display or request assistance from a stranger. So few have passed the test.