AR Tattooed Skin Samples

Amanda Theinert mentioned creating AR responses to her (and others’) tattoos. I always enjoy making AR responsive art, and I enjoy practicing my own tattooing art. So . . . Her idea is wonderful, but I would like to play with tattooed skin,Read more…

Perpetuation of the Gaze

The image in a secluded voting booth/box area, dark. The image is dark. On a vertical screen. Traditional frame. You look at it. It moves a bit. Maybe occasionally your eye gaze trace is shown — random. The image hasRead more…

Send your messages

The braille bracelet — use capacitive touch instead of buttons, duh. So like the same slider mechanisms I used on the original bracelet would be tied into touch sensor material and so you could still use my sliders, but theyRead more…

3 Columns — be brave

Light sensor so if you are trying to activate by yourself/too close and no one on other side, it growls at you! There are 3 of these, each getting more complicated for the person who activates. 1st one is justRead more…

Will you hold my hand?

Put the contact points far away so that you must hold hands [or be very creative] in order to see/activate the visual and auditory aspect of the work — with music, you can dance while you enjoy.While lying down? While inRead more…

Islands Dispersed in my Home

Little ‘stations’ around the house of little scenes on pedestals but they are designed to look like islands and they communicate through the internet of things IoT, so you can have the lights on them go through day/night cycles, soundRead more…

Repurpose my fencing gear

Fencing swords and fencing helmets but repurpose the swords’ electronics for something to trigger and put hmd into the helmets, like hololens or maybe VR with camera on where it shows room bounds because that could be a very interestingRead more…

Dear Mr. Gas Mask

Agas mask on a small base. wounded human, past warrior, future warrior, android, gimp, alien It will move to follow sounds and cock its head side to side It may rock back and forth to any extended play of music,Read more…

VR Zoom In [sat/nav]

The idea of ‘zooming in’ from this really remote blackness on a tiny light? But as you get closer and closer, it takes a while? You get there, like using a microscope, but when you finally get there, there isRead more…

VR in the CAR

VR mobile headset while a passenger in the car, bus, train, (self-driving soon) — meditation and take advantage of the MOVEMENT as passenger. Maybe the game would contextualize the physical world sounds and/or movement in a new way by providingRead more…

Magic Hand Hologram Puppet Show

I see this dark black cabinet that has connected cables/lines that would allow you to move an object in free-range x,y across the floor of the cabinet. The cabinet floor has lcd screens [iphones/tablets] and the thing you are movingRead more…

XR Seance

XR seance table [2 player version]. There would be VR/AR headsets and the 3d rudder under a table so that you could interact together by pushing on it without know what it was. Disguised as tables of old? Can you workRead more…

Ferrofluid Reveal

Ferrofluid sculpt with Interactive Base or Wall of Ferro-Pixels What if I have the fluid in an ‘outside’ container, like an oil and vinegar combo cruet. I was thinking maybe also just a bunch of tiny glass containers filled onlyRead more…

VR AI Art Trace — Judged

You have a guiding hand (choreographed) in the VR setup and you put your hand where it is and ‘trace’ with them. Of course you can’t see what you are drawing, but in reality your hand is also moving andRead more…

3 Cups and a Pea

Where is the “pea” 3 cup game created by incorporating 3d printing of cups and interactivity, and small oled screens with eyes on top of each ‘cup’. Color detection sensor or distance sensor, so that the cup knows what’s underneath it, evenRead more…

INGA: Intelligent Networked Grave Archive

INGA: Intelligent Networked Grave Archive — Black box to hold the hologram displays. The idea of artist retrospectives and then public and private persona [that woman outed as a lesbian and andy warhol’s hospital coat pockets], authority, authored, control, authenticity,Read more…

Prediction App

An app that let’s you create an event and then your group of friends, or open to public, gets to select a date for when it will happen. Can make it public or private You get an email and notificationRead more…


AR X-Ray Vision Collector

AR game where you/other players label walls and objects etc with fiducial markers to indicate type of material it is and then there is an item inside that material which you can see with x-ray vision only. The AR viewing playerRead more…


Handy Helper Platformer

I made a proof of concept of this in Unity with the Leap, and it was actually fun moving my hands around and making platforms for my little character. Platformer — side view. A 3rd person character is moving along theRead more…


Florist — Leap

Flower arranging and bonsai creation combined [also succulent-like]. You build your own adorable BULBOUS plant with your hands You plant your seed — fast growing You trim and clip with your fingers like scissors You ‘paint’ the color on forRead more…


Block Kids App

I was approached by an NEF Education Foundation board member to develop an app or web game for the national annual Block Kids engineering competition in which grade school children create non-organic structures with building blocks. An app could be extremely effectiveRead more…


VR Multiplayer Dread Space Escape

A VR multiplayer [but set number], ambient horror game in which there is a space filled with dread to explore and escape. The players can move around, perform simple trigger interaction to read or inspect items, and turn on or off theirRead more…

3 Frame Mystery Photo App

A game where you take a photo that fits into a one third boxed area of a single photo and then pass it on to two other people [one then the other] who take a photo for another section, until it is complete.Read more…


Online Language Learning

  October 2011 Two Person Chat Room Game Scenarios: Simple:  If accepted, the two players are brought to a “scene selection” screen, from which the users can decide where their chat should take place thus providing a narrative for theirRead more…


Instructional Ideals

In class and studio, I approach each lesson as a dialogue, open for discussion and informed debate. This is then followed by conclusions drawn through hands-on projects, much like any other science relying on hypotheses and experiments, which adds toRead more…


VR Body and Gesture Input: body language practice

2 Player,   VR,   Kinect  or Neuron or Ximmersion Non-verbal communication for international/global studies or perhaps social interaction training [possibly helpful skill for those with Autism]. A more entertainment based concept is to consider how do the two players cooperate through a challengeRead more…


VR Space Across 3 Time Periods

For this VR experience input is very important. We keep looking at wireless mice, game controllers, Myo armbands, the Kinect, Perception Neuron, and the Leap for interaction. Theinert and I saw and reviewed some other new wireless input devices. TheRead more…


VR 3D I Spy

A VR 3D scavenger hunt like an I Spy game book: Player has a list of items to find. Player explores a 3D sphere of 3D items. Player turns head and body around to see the entire world of objects — canRead more…

VR Mount Vesuvius

A was thinking for a possible installation piece, maybe something like being put into the world of one of the citizens of Pompeii during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. It would be VR. I thought it would be interesting to exploreRead more…

VRMS for Higgins Armory

VRMS* for the Higgins Armory would be useful since it was shut down and the building is not being used while the collection it housed is now with the Worcester Art Museum. I would love to allow the public not only accessRead more…

Stinky Ninja

A little ninja whose power is to be stinky. He doesnt throw ninja stars or use a sword. He just uses his power to make a less than pleasant smell. He’s sneaky and stealthy like a ninja . . .Read more…

Back to Back Drawing Game

Physical [and app] Card game based on the back to back chair drawing game I do for my parties: Two players from the group sit back to back so they cannot see each other. One is the Drawer, the otherRead more…

Kinect and/or VR Poetry or Music

The idea would be to create, “write,” poetry such as a haiku through motion. It could be a short series of musical elements instead — might work better at first. After you “perform” your piece, others would be able toRead more…

Experience Atypical Bodies

An interactive piece based on experiencing some element of living with atypical bodies to get through everyday tasks. For instance, buy a subway ticket in NYC: without vision, without being able to hear/speak, while being of small stature, while being unable to use your armsRead more…

Competitive Tanagrams

Digital tanagrams but synchronous — head to head. You can see the other player’s progress so they can help or hurt you — do you take the time to watch what they are doing and copy? Does seeing them makeRead more…

Visual Place Bookmarker

I think they are trying to do this with Pinterest now — I’ve been trying out the map section. Anyway, I’ve been to a million locations, say to an antique store, and I’ve wanted to remember it, but just addingRead more…

Facial Recognition Portrait

The idea of a facial recognition system that read the smile or frown of the viewer and edits the projected portrait subject’s expression accordingly. You could then determine if a smiling person changed expression after seeing an opposite expression, orRead more…

Changing Vase

A piece, perhaps a vase, something traditional, white porcelain. Allow for the viewer to trigger a projection so that the vase appears to have varying, different prints on it. The trigger could be proximity or location, or it could beRead more…

iKarma app

I’ve had this idea for a long long time. The user can get instant good karma [yes I know] by hitting a button to donate — $1, $5, $10, $100 You can instantly share this donation through social media andRead more…

Kerning Game

A little mobile app where you try to match alignment. timed. you see the right setup and then you have to mimmic it within the right time. You get scored based on how close you are within the boundaries/range. WhileRead more…

Singular IDAs

trace game: but off the screen. the trace game is fun, but if the object is not fully seen, if you have to trace and that moves you off the screen, so that the final image is larger than theRead more…